Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The curse of configuration ...

./.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini -- a single file that has been the reason of so much cursing these last months. Okay, i'm "migrating" my user profile for probably too long now, and i inherit previous defaults, etc. Yet, despite how much I love the "new" gtk file picker, I have been repeatedly annoyed by the fact it was listing all the "hidden" files & directories here. This combined with the fact that it also started at home directory by default led to useless waiting time everytime i want to attach/upload/download/open/save-as/whatever.

I've been hunting for that single file with all my skills, including inotify, google and strace, but it remained hidden, unnoticed. What I mostly dislike, of course, is the absence of a "configure this dialog box" (or so-called "preferences") in gnome-ubuntu. Another perplexing fact: the file seems duplicated: there's a .ini and an extension-less file (in XML encoding) detailing the same stuff.

Making it "for humans" isn't everything, dudes. You've got to document what you're doing and keep in mind that humanity also include your power users.